I want to get this stuff going again.
I read Dillard. I read her in 3 days, devoting one day to each section. I will get into more detail later as we get rolling, but i have some initial statements that may spark your opposition.
I enjoyed her writing. She can write, i'll give her that. I did not like all of it. I felt as though the first section was fantastic. I did not, however, enjoy section 2 for a couple of reasons.
First, it is difficult to critisize poetry as it does not carry with it the same literary logic of non-poetic literature. I am not skilled at critiquing either, but i felt as though some of her sentences, possibly even sections were nonsensical. I thought after reading that section that she wrote some stuff that did not add at all to her subtle points or to her overt ones.
Secondly, i didn't enjoy the sections of blatant critical questioning and asserting she did regarding God. This is just me. Some people eat that stuff up because it makes them feel better knowing that others have questions too and also that they can formulate them so systematically. I do not. It makes me have a sour feeling in my belly. It makes me think of when one boy in gradeschool flips someone off and then another boy gives him a high five. I know it's wrong as a little kid, and even though i do think of giving the finger sometimes, it doesn't mean i take pride in the fact that someone else is doing it.
She redeems herself though in the last section which i also thought was fantastic. To date, one of my favorite sections in the book was her description of the moth catching fire and the way she brings it back at the end. OH, SO GOOD.
What say the masses?
Will i be alone in my critical ditch again?
PS. the title was just to catch attention. i quite liked this stuff.