Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Book #3?

Let's get some comments going with books you're wanting to read. We already have a few listed on the side, too. 

What do you think should be our voting options for book #3? 

There are a few books I think would be amazing to read back to back: 
I REALLY want to throw in Walking on Water: Reflections on Art and Faith, because so many cool folks I know have said it's their favorite book.

Any thoughts on this about order? Want to suggest different books? Am I the only one that hasn't read The Road?

Start some chatter up here if you have any thoughts.


Amber said...

I forgot to also mention again Three Cups of Tea, though I would rather read other books before that one.

I think Remembering Babylon is one I want to read the most.

Anonymous said...

although i absolutely love 'classics' i would prefer not to read anything older than about 40 years old. that's just me.

also, i had no pre-concieved notions of THE SHACK and i think that helped me. i have heard so much crap about The Road and have had to clean up so much drool out of my lap from people that i may sit it out if we choose to go with it. that's just me.

los cazadores said...

Yes - Cry, The Beloved Country.... I vote for that...


Anonymous said...

school is swinging for me. full effect. i'm in for HOLY THE FIRM, then i must be on readingroom sabbatical for a season.

Anonymous said...

I have read The Road and A Movable Feast. Thought The Road was alright, good writing but I'm not much into that genre. I really liked A Movable Feast. I'll read whatever though!

Nicole said...

I'm down with reading and rereading all of those books, and I'm especially stoked about Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. I've been wanting to read it for such a long time now!

Seth said...


Janna Barber said...

And everyone picks something different. How will this be resolved?

Amber said...

So this is what I'm thinking:

Holy the Firm
Cry, The Beloved Country
Remembering Babylon
Walking on Water: Reflections .. Art and Faith
Animal Vegetable Miracle

In that order. What do you think?

Sounds like something for which I'm willing to make myself sit down.

Phoebe said...

I like that order. Alot.

Also, *Holy the Firm* is WONDERFUL. More later.

Phoebe said...

Also, I'd love it if we could read a book of poetry together. That would be awesome possum. What about Franz Wright (God's Silence) or Mark Jarman (Unholy Sonnets)?

Amber said...

Oh, Olivia, would you be my best friend? I'm seriously thinking about buying some blue jeans that we can both wear. I'll send them to you when you travel cool places, and you can send them to me like for when I need to go to Target.

If we could read Franz Wright together, Joy all over the place! and I've not yet read God's Silence. Wouldn't that be a good read after Walking on Water?

Phoebe said...


And maybe we could trade poems, too (I just read your library post - it's gorgeous and inspiring).

I just noticed Relief in the sidebar on your blog. I'd never heard of it before. How does it compare to Image (another Xian journal for the arts)?