Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
Guys, I know Fall schedules are getting all scribbly and filled. This is such a fussy time of year, but keep clicking here and get ready to vote on the side for the book to follow Holy the Firm? Do you have Holy the Firm? My copy is only 76 pages long.
Listen to this. Read it aloud. "The day is real; the sky clicks securely in place over the mountains, locks round the islands, snaps slap on the bay. Air fits flush on farm roofs; it rises inside the doors of barns and rubs at yellow barn windows. Air clicks up my hand cloven into fingers and wells in my ears' holes, whole and entire. I call it simplicity, the way matter is smooth and alone" (pp. 12-13).
Poetry! I can't wait to read Dillard with you. What do you say we read it by September 8th and just write as we want? I'm sure we'll breeze through it like chocolate, wishing it wasn't over when it was.
I'm down.
i'm down. and out.
Holy poo I've been busy. I'll pick up on the next book though! Happy reading!
Amber, I love Dillard and would be glad to read any of her work with you guys.
I left a skeptical note tonight in your Shack comments. I mean no offense by it, just being honest about my feelings.
I hope to keep reading along with you guys in the future.
I don't know if I can read it by then, but I'll try!
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